Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One strange morning...

So... this morning I hear a knock on the door, David comes in and says quietly and quickly, " Marissa, did you leave the back door open?" I say "no" and he says, "ok, stay in your room." and he leaves.. I then hear him ask Mimi if she left the door open. At this point, I am really creeped out! I then hear him moving through the house, opening doors and looking in closets. Ok, at this point, I am just really glad that David was here! Somebody broke in last night. At about five, David was in a dead sleep and woke up and had this feeling that he should get up. He went downstairs and the back sliding door was flung all the way open. We rarely use it.. and it stays locked pretty much all the time. Luckily, no one was still in the house, and as far as we can tell, nothing is missing. If they had wanted a quicky grab, my brand new pointe shoes were sitting right there on the table, and so was Tanner's birthday present from AE.. but those were still there.. David is convinced they were after the TV, and when they noticed it was too big and fat for them, they left. :) Anyway.. the cops came it it was all fun and games after that. The cop asked David and I if we would have had any boyfriends or girlfriends sneaking in or out.. ha ha.. no. So, they took down some names... our names, unfortunately no one got hauled into the station. A little creepy indeed..Lucky we had a guy here!


Ruuddudes said...

YIKES! Glad David was there. Who is he anyway? I'm guessing a relative?

Levi and Marissa said...

Yes, cousin.. and yes, it was really good he was here!