Thursday, August 28, 2008

I am really getting married in 16 days? What?!

So it's pretty crazy that after an almost three year wait, we are really for real, in all seriousness getting married in just over two weeks! We are getting married a week after our three year anniversary of meeting and pretty much dating. Since we were practically dating after our first date. He swept me off my feet and I've been flat on my butt ever since! :) Ha ha. no really though, I cannot believe all the steps in the last three years which have brought me to this point. Everything really does work out perfectly and exactly how it's supposed to go and in what order. :) I was able to go to the temple last Saturday and it was a terrifying and amazing experience all at the same time :) Just kidding it was great. I cannot wait for the real wedding. I can't believe I get to spend eternity with my best friend and I feel so lucky to have had the last three years to get to know him even better. And guess what Levi, I love you! :)


Cristine Garrison said...

congratulations!!! i dont think I ever met him but i remember hearing about him. :)

cherish your wedding day and dont stress, it goes by way too fast.

best of luck!

Lindsay said...

Yay for being married! You'll have to update your blog with some wedding pics! Congrats! :-) And cute blog!